Friday, October 28, 2011

Fred Meyer creates first LEED certified store in Kroger group

Fred Meyer has attained a Silver LEED certification for it's remodel of their Hawthorne store (from DDI Magazine) in Portland Oregon. This is a first for any Kroger store in the country. The architect for this store is MulvanneyG2 Architecture.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Steve Jobs Influence on Retail

This is a very good article that was written in Retail Customer about the influence of Steve Jobs on his thoughts and influence on retail store design. The customer experience from entering the store through checkout is all targeted to the same fluid flow and resulting loyalty.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Bartell Drugs New look

The Bartell Drugs on Roosevelt in north Seattle (6401 12th Ave. NE) is in the final stages of completing a new interior remodel with an updated emphasis in the look of the Cosmetics/Beauty, Camera and Pharmacy departments as well as a new overall color scheme. It is very well done and adds an element of pizzazz to their basic drug store look and layout.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prime Essentials Rx...New York

Prime Essentials Rx. Residents of New York’s Tribeca neighborhood is set up to be a one stop shopping experience. Being a cross between tradition drug store and adding grocery and household items, this allows drug stores to fill a void in downtown and urban markets. Check out the article in Drug Store News article.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Corripio in the Dominican Republic

In reviewing store designs recently I came across this one in the Dominican Republic, Corripio. It was done by a Michigan company, Design Fabricators, Inc in conjunction with DR based arch Robledo Oquet. I like the way the store is tied together using the same color but each of the category departments are differentiated by different shapes and textures. Corripio in

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Duane Reade takes it to the next level in New York

Duane Reade has added some interesting departments and added some new twists to their new flagship store in downtown Manhattan. This pushes the envelope for other drug chains to up their game when it comes to up-scale locations. Chain Store Age:Duane Reade opens big on Wall Street

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Good to see signs of expansion in Retail Construction

There are some good signs of expansion in the Retail Construction group. These are just a few of the headlines from Chain Store Age. Chains like Borders are still having issue but others are taking up space and trying to keep available lease spaces occupied.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Example of building reuse design

I appreciate the effort that Walgreens made to preserve, reuse and refurbish the exterior of this building. The upgrading of buildings instead of tearing them down is beneficial for the environment and for the customers and neighbors of those spaces. This is a store that won honorable mention in the Chain Store Age store of the year contest for 2011. Chain Store Age 2011 Store of the Year

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Award Winning Wireless Phone store in China

This is a store in Shenzhen, China..Holpe+, I like the store because of the simplicity and clean look....the product is the thing and appears easy to shop and maneuver. From Retail Design Blog

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Virtual Greeter to debut in new Duane Reade store in New York

The newest Duane Reade store to open in New York is introducing a "Virtual Greeter" much like one you might encounter when entering a WalMart store except this one is a hologram. The article included in the latest issue of Chain Store Age is very interesting

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Report from McGraw Hll for 2011 Commercial Construction

Below are three charts by McGraw Hill that show the current state of the economy with regard to Commercial Construction, where it has been and the projections for 2011/12. Things are looking slightly better with an upturn in most areas but the recovery is still a long way from what it was a few years ago but headed in the right direction.  McGraw Hill Report on 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cooper Lighting>New LED accent lighting

Cooper lighting has introduced new accent light fixtures that have reduced the wattage used and heat produced by standard spots. They will help in the battle to reduce overall operational costs for retailers.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Nike at Selfridges

An interesting piece from Retail Design Blog about Nike's placement in Selfridges and how they are able to adapt their concepts to the immediate customer and their current experience.Retail Design Blog

Tommy Bahama Beach House/Laguna Beach CA

Interesting article in the latest edition of Visual Merchandising that discusses Tommy Bahama's return to roots in their newest store in Laguna Beach CA. They have used a beach house theme throughout very effectively in both the resturant and retail areas. Visual Merchandising:Tommy Bahama Beach House

Using Google Sketch-up program

One of the more useful software systems available for use in showing items in 3-D is Sketch-up available for a free download from Google. They have some good tutorial videos on how the system works and best ways to set up your own processes. It is very intuitive and with some practice and patience, fairly easy to learn. It is  useful in the design of store fixtures through doing an entire store and the ability to change camera angles and to actually walk through areas is very helpful in client presentations.

Monday, June 20, 2011


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